What are Dofollow & Nofollow backlinks?


Dofollow backlinks

A Dofollow backlink is a backlink form that transfers authority to a website linked from another site. Dofollow backlinks have a direct impact on your website because they signal to the web browser that it is linked to the website.

Nofollow backlinks

Nofollow backlink are those types of backlinks which tell web crawler not to follow a particular link.

The difference between Dofollow and Nofollow Backlink is that Nofollow Backlink has a Nofollow tag while Dofollow Backlink has no tag.


<a href=”https://planetstoryline.com”>Planet Storyline</a> – DoFollow

<a rel=”nofollow” href=”https://planetstoryline.com”>Planet Storyline</a> – NoFollow

Why are Backlinks important?

Backlinks are essential for a blog, especially if you are a beginner and a newly created blog, it is necessary for you. Backlinks have a massive impact on search results in a website ranking. It allows you to easily index your website by Google Crawler, which helps you to rank a lot.

They are important for SEO because Google gives websites with high domain authority more credit with a good number of backlinks websites.

The higher number of backlinks to your site indicates the popularity of your website and its relevance to search engines.

How to get Dofollow backlinks?

There are several methods to get high-quality dofollow backlinks like:

Guest posting
Directory submission
Check competitors backlinks
Make great content


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