IoT Revolutionizing Agriculture and Farming


IoT is transforming industries to increase productivity and reduce wastage significantly. One of the biggest economic challenges is the optimal use of scarce resources. The innovative use of IoT is the response to the problem in terms of increasing the accuracy of results and reducing deviations from central parameters. At its core, IoT is a network of devices, embedded with technology that enables devices to connect to and interact with the Internet, exchange, and gather data. IoT applications make it possible to collect data related to the environment of the object, which can be analyzed, analyzed and directed towards a productive end through monitoring and control. IoT has got wide applications!

Agriculture forms the backbone of the economy. Agriculture and farming sectors constitute the sole suppliers of food and resources to industries globally. Agricultural development depends on many factors such as water, weather conditions, soil type, temperature, climatic conditions. Traditionally, farmers have been dependent on rain in many places where irrigation is not conducted and there is a shortage of agricultural productivity and water in the farming sector. Farmers are facing many other problems which adversely affect the agricultural sector.

The IoT application is disrupting traditional methods of farm management and agriculture! Precise farming on IoT technologies has started gaining momentum. Subtle but important features / features related to various aspects of farming such as terrain properties, organic material, moisture are observed, tracked and measured. Harvesters equipped with GPS and sensors collect real-time data that is being used simultaneously with satellite imagery. This helps in planning appropriate remedial measures to maximize ROI. Agricultural drones are used for crop health assessment, irrigation, soil analysis. Drones equipped with technologies and cameras capture data and capture images that serve as inputs for analysis with the help of useful insights and indices related to crop yield. IoT applications have made livestock monitoring possible. Farm owners can collect real-time data about the welfare, location and health of their cattle, using which they can avoid potential risks. Smart greenhouses designed with IoT applications monitor and control the climate with the need for manual intervention. This prevents production losses and saves labor costs. According to a report, the global smart agricultural market will grow to $ 23.14bn by 2022!


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