How Does Exercise Affect The Brain


Regular exercise also improves brain function in people who are overweight and obese, not just thinking and physical, the latest findings show. An extension of its metabolism, mood, and overall health effects use also improves brain function, according to the latest research.

The scientists found that people who are obese and overweight are exposed to insulin resistance in the brain, giving data on the modern phase of the diet as well as the rest of the body. As part of the study, 22 inactive teenagers with overweight and obesity underwent two head scans before and after an 8-week exercise attack, including cycling and walking.

Such findings have been discussed at the Society at the 27th Annual Meeting of this Study of Ingestive Behavior. Brain function was tested before and after an insulin nasal shower to investigate the brain’s insulin sensitivity. Members have measured internal metabolism, mood, and perception.

Although the practice of use resulted only in a minimal weight loss, metabolism allows the brain to “normalize” the next 8 weeks. Performance increased localized blood flow in brain areas important to computer power and pay systems, both of which depend on the neurotransmitter of dopamine. Dopamine is a crucial neurotransmitter to learn fresh motor skills and reward-related information, and this study shows that use greatly enhances dopamine-related brain function.

One area, especially striatum, had increased insulin sensation behind the eight weeks of exercise so that the reaction of a normal power person was followed by a person with obesity following the brain reaction of exercise practice. Ironically, the higher the enhancement of brain function, the greater the abdominal fat that a person lost as the concept of exercise. Members observed an increase in behavioral change in state and company, which is an indicator of improved executive function.


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