
2027 POSTS

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Learn how to provide your company with maximum security for $79

This bundle’s 26 courses cover ethical hacking, certification exams and much more, including US and EU requirements....

New ways to bring MongoDB data and apps to Azure Cosmos DB

Branded as Microsoft’s “planetary scale database,” Cosmos DB is one of Azure’s foundational...

Cybersecurity unaligned with business goals is reactive … and flawed: Study

A new report for cybersecurity firm WithSecure suggests that most companies are investing in security solutions that...

Blockchain Technology Revolutionizing the FinTech Industry

A transactional record is a digital piece of information stored in blocks and linked to one another by a hash function in a decentralized,...

BYOD and personal apps: A recipe for data breaches

Some 43% of employees have been targeted with work-related phishing attacks on their personal devices, says a...

