Angular vs. React: Which One is Best for Your Business?

Angular vs. React: Which One is Best for Your Business?

The proper JavaScript framework can help developers create great web apps. However, most new developers often get confused regarding the choice of framework. Also, it is difficult for the developer to decide on a framework, as each has its own pros and cons.

Therefore, comparing different frameworks for their features and pros is advisable before making the final decision. Most experts believe that comparing the two can help select the framework depending on choice and budget. Today, let’s talk about Angular vs. React, and which one would be best for your business?

What is an Angular Framework?


Angular is an open-source, client-side framework that helps the developers report issues related to single-page web development that has been viewed many times. It extends HTML directories by supporting different libraries. Additionally, the framework has support from a large community, and it is still the best framework, according to developers.

  • The Angular framework offers complete flexibility in the development process, and it’s the first choice of framework for most new developers.
  • The Angular framework has a rich collection of tools and components that support a quick development process. Besides, bootstrap UI gives a huge boost to Angular.

What is React Framework?

React Framework

React framework works on an open-source JavaScript library that helps create user interfaces. Plus, it helps to create single-page applications and mobile apps.

  • The framework provides a faster and better speed, which saves developers time. Additionally, the framework is used in conjunction with other libraries like Redux.
  • Also, while working with the model view controller, the framework is based on VRE JS.
  • Simply put, the framework makes the applications more scalable and dynamic.

Additionally, some developers also use React in native rendered applications. React framework uses a declarative style of programming for its UI state. It lets the developers see how the app looks and how it will interact.

Key differences:

  1. Toolset

React uses many tools for code editing like Atom, Visual studio, and Sublime Text. Plus, it uses the create React tool to run the project. To test the apps on the framework, developers can use several tools.

Similar to React, Angular also uses several codes to help build the projects, and Angular universal helps with the server-side rendering.

The critical difference in creating components is that Angular can be fully tested with a single tool, but React may need some added tools for testing. Angular uses tools like Jasmine and Karma for testing purposes.

  1. Productivity and speed

With the CLI feature, Angular offers a better development experience that seamlessly integrates with design working applications and creates the services using single-line commands. Moreover, with build-in troubleshooting, you can fix the build-in issue. Plus, it helps in the removal of typescript coding functionality.

React’s productivity is often affected by third-party libraries. Therefore, the React developers need to opt for the right architecture with tools.

Also, the React toolset depends on the projects, which may take more effort and time.

  • In terms of productivity and speed of development, Angular is a sure shot winner.
  1. Components

React uses a fixed and complex structure, depending on the three layers – Model, View, and Controller. Besides, it allows the developers to split application codes into multiple files.


Angular allows the elements or templates to be used again or in repeated format. On the other hand, React does not choose the same architecture and works in ways to create element trees.

The React library provides functional programming with different component definitions.

Simply put, React uses a logically structured code that does not require the developers to write the codes.

  • React is a winner due to its simple code structure.
  1. Mobile application solutions

Angular offers the best framework that supports mobile app development. In addition, the framework includes an interesting library of UI components, including a Cardova container.

When the application is created using the native app container, it looks like a web application when viewed on the device.

But, this case is different in the React JS library. React library provides a native user interface that helps the developers create customized elements and link them with other native codes written in Java and Objective C.

React is undoubtedly the winner with the feature of the mobile app solution.

  1. User interface

The user interface is a vital factor that differentiates both React and Angular. The React community helps create the UI tools, and there are many paid and free components in React.

User interface

Talking about Angular, it has a build design stack that makes the interface intuitive.

Plus, it comes with many pre-developed material designs, which gives it an edge over other JS languages.

In Angular, the UI configuration is fast and easy. React has a good configuration, but Angular wins in this feature.

  1. Flexibility and popularity

Flexibility is the main feature that differentiates Angular and React. React gives developers the freedom to choose architecture, tools, and libraries. Plus, it helps build customized applications with the right set of technologies.

However, an expert React JS developer can guide better in the process. On the other hand, Angular offers limited freedom and flexibility.

Also, according to Google trends, React has more searches. Therefore, it is a more popular option and desired one for web development.

Angular offers many off-the-shelf solutions, so most developers use the framework for front-end development.

  1. The document object model

The Angular framework uses DOM, where the tree structure remains current, even if one segment is modified. Alternatively, React js uses the virtual DOM that allows the developer to track and update changes made without affecting the tree.

React is a definite winner here because the virtual DOM is faster than the real DOM.

  1. Testing

Angular uses a single tool like Karma and Jasmine for testing and debugging the entire project, which isn’t possible for the React JS development.

In the React framework, a developer will need added tools to develop different test suites, which maximizes the effort and time of the testing process. So again, Angular wins over React framework.

  1. Community support

React has better community support in GitHub and GitLab. According to the Stack Overflow developer survey 2020, the number of React developers is higher than the Angular framework, so React offers better community support than Angular.

Angular or React: which one is better?

Both Angular and React frameworks offer good tools for web developers. Though both have pros and cons, React is better than Angular and has better community support.

Also, it’s easier to switch between different React versions. Furthermore, it offers many solutions to web developers to speed up the development process and reduce bugs. Finally, as a developer, you must make a decision based on functionality and usability. If you have decided to develop your project with React, hire React JS developers in India to save cost on your project.


Harikrishna Kundariya
Harikrishna Kundariya

Harikrishna Kundariya, a marketer, developer, IoT, ChatBot& Blockchain savvy, designer, co-founder, Director of eSparkBiz Technologies. His 10+ experience enables him to provide digital solutions to new start-ups based on IoT and ChatBot.


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