7 Steps For a Killer Angular Developer Linkedin Profile


LinkedIn has emerged as the best measure to make professional connections online and get new opportunities. The social networking giant has claimed to have 774+ million members from 200 countries and regions across the globe.

Having such a massive audience of professionals from worldwide on LinkedIn, you can leverage its power no matter what your profession is. However, nothing will work out without having a strong profile to impress your target connections.

Let us consider that you are an Angular Developer, who is looking for a new opportunity. The only thing that can give you positive and instant results is to make a strong profile as it will work as your online Angular Developer Resume. Let us see 7 steps for a killer Angular Developer LinkedIn Profile that can also be used for other profiles:

Get ‘All Star’ Badge

The first step to improve your profile performance is getting an ‘All-Star’ badge at LinkedIn. It means, your profile must be completed and all the required sections are filled up appropriately. Here are the elements that will help you in making an ‘All Star’ profile:

  • Profile Picture
  • Location
  • Industry
  • Work Experience (Current profile along with 2 previous positions)
  • At Least 3 Skills
  • Education
  • 50 connections

Having all the professional information about you will make your profile impressive to get better opportunities. LinkedIn also gives you hints to complete your profile with appropriate details.

Leverage The Power of Keywords

Keywords will help you in getting you noticed on LinkedIn. Just like Google, LinkedIn search relies on internal algorithms to give you search results. Hence, highlighting keywords related to your target opportunity will help you in getting better results. For example, you can use similar keywords being an Angular Developer:

  • Angular.js
  • Python
  • R
  • SaaS
  • WordPress
  • Ruby on Rails

Remove all the unwanted keywords that can affect your appearance. For example, if you are a digital marketing executive but do not wish to continue it as a career option, you need to remove all the keywords related to it from your profile.

Craft a Crisp and Fascinating Profile Summary

The Summary section at LinkedIn is where you get the freedom to express anything about yourself. However, it is highly recommended to express something that motivates you.

Moreover, you can also use your skills and programming language names as keywords to get better benefits in the LinkedIn search algorithm. It is advised to write your summary in the First-Person like you are telling a story about yourself to someone.

Add a Call-to-Action Button

Adding a call-to-action button is also a great measure to make your profile impressive. It allows people to know about you even outside LinkedIn. Summary is the best place to use a call-to-action of your profile. Check out some call-to-actions you can use in your summary:

  • Contact me anytime at [email protected]
  • Have a look at my design samples at portfolio.com
  • Check out my GitHub repositories at githubprofilename.com

Arrange Profile Sections Appropriately

A properly arranged profile as per your experience and requirements also positively impacts your profile performance on LinkedIn. Suppose you belong to a non-tech background but have taken some courses and certifications to get into the development sector. In such cases, switch that section higher in your profile hierarchy. It will attract the focus of your audience to the desired information without removing the unrelated one.

Highlight Your Skills

Highlighting your technical skills will attract more similar profiles on LinkedIn. However, if you are a fresh developer, transferable skills will help you in decorating your profile. Check out some transferable skills you can use:

  • Teamwork
  • Collaboration
  • Communication Skills
  • Planning
  • Organization Skills
  • Multi-Tasking
  • Problem-Solving Skills

Hide The “People Also Viewed” Box

As its name suggests, the “People Also Viewed” box will showcase people having similar skills to your audience while checking out your profile. This box will showcase people from your friend list, colleagues, etc having similar skills as you. It might decrease your chances of getting selected for any opportunity, hence, it is highly suggested to remove this box from “Privacy & Settings”.

Get Yourself Featured

LinkedIn is a marvelous platform to make professional connections online and grow better. A strong LinkedIn profile will help you in getting many advantages in your career. Here are the key points to build a killer LinkedIn Profile:

  • Get an “All-Star” badge
  • Leverage the power of keywords
  • Craft a crisp and fascinating profile summary
  • Add a call-to-action button
  • Arrange profile sections appropriately
  • Highlight your skills
  • Hide the “People Also Viewed” box

Keep all of these points in mind while building a LinkedIn profile and leverage its power effectively. You can also express your thoughts on how you can use LinkedIn to grow better in this highly competitive marketplace. We welcome every suggestion in the comments section shown below.

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