Fashion Design

Stitching Sustainability: How WasteBanned Transforms Fashion Design into a Zero-Waste Puzzle

Sustainable fashion design is like Tetris in the sense that it is all about fit–fitting shapes as tightly as possible to a given space....
6 Places You're Missing When You Apply Sunscreen

6 Places You’re Missing When You Apply Sunscreen

Did you realize that the sun's UV rays can harm your unprotected skin in just 15 minutes? That is why dermatologist suggest you to cover...
8 simple and effective home remedies for oil-free skin:

8 simple and effective home remedies for oil-free skin:

Having oil-free skin can be a challenge, especially in today's world, where pollution, stress, and an unhealthy lifestyle can take a toll on our...

Food that Fights Inflammation

This information of each intersection between inflammation and the recurrent disease has given rise to a multitude of diet plans, nutritional supplements, and lifestyle...
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