
2056 POSTS

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Chainyard: Transforming Industries and Creating New Value Chains with Blockchain

Digital transformation has become a key focus for businesses looking to gain a competitive edge in today's rapidly evolving and competitive landscape. Blockchain technology...

Microsoft adds GPT-4 to its defensive suite in Security Copilot

The new AI security tool, which can answer questions about vulnerabilities and reverse-engineer problems, is now in...

Report: Terrible employee passwords at world’s largest companies

Find out the most commonly used weak passwords by industry and country, according to NordPass. Plus, get...

Ransomware attacks skyrocket as threat actors double down on U.S., global attacks

New studies by NCC Group and Barracuda Networks show threat actors are increasing ransomware exploits, with consumer goods and services receiving the brunt of...

Nexus Android malware targets 450 financial applications

Learn how to protect your organization and users from this Android banking trojan. Nexus malware is an Android banking trojan promoted via a malware-as-a-service model....

