Home Innovation Technology Salesforce apparently wants to buy Slack

Salesforce apparently wants to buy Slack


Salesforce is reportedly interested in acquiring Slack. The CRM giant is said to have already submitted an offer.

A mega-deal may be looming in San Francisco: According to media reports, Salesforce is showing interest in buying Slack. The CRM giant is said to have already submitted a takeover offer to those responsible at the office messaging service provider, reports the news agency.Reuters” and the “Wall Street Journal». You are referring to inside information.
According to experts, Slack is currently struggling to profit from the corona-related trend towards remote work. The company, which has since relocated its headquarters to San Francisco, is particularly affected by the competition from Redmond. Microsoft currently leads the market for collaboration software with Teams. The tool is now used by more than 115 million users – before the pandemic it was around 20 million. Because Microsoft Teams is now integrated into the Microsoft 365 suite, Slack accused the group of unfair competition (Computerworld reported).

According to media reports, Slack should still be an interesting addition to the enterprise offering for Salesforce. The insiders were still silent about the price for a possible takeover. Slack currently has a market value of around 17 billion US dollars. It would be the largest acquisition in Slack history.

According to “Reuters”, more information could follow soon. Because on December 9th, Slack announces its quarterly figures. If the deal comes off, this could be announced in advance.

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