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Retail Brands Choosing D2C Route to Create Virtual Experiences for Customers

The rise of eCommerce has completely transformed the way businesses operate. In the past, businesses had to rely on brick-and-mortar stores to reach customers,...

Running WordPress on Azure for secure, fast and global content delivery

Learn about Microsoft's WordPress on Azure App Service, as well as an interesting alternative from WP Engine. Twenty years old this year, WordPress remains one...

Azure Monitor’s Change Analysis helps you troubleshoot problems quickly

Azure Monitor's Change Analysis helps you troubleshoot problems quickly. Change management is key to running a mature IT organization. If problems arise, it’s important to...

Google Cloud opens enterprise AI tools to developers

Google jostles with AI rivals as it releases a large language model API and other developer tools. Google Cloud opened some of its AI-powered applications...

How to prevent data theft by existing and departing employees

Some 12% of employees take customer details, health records, sales contracts and other confidential data when leaving a company, according to DTEX. A former employee...

